Creating In Place

Zoom summer 2020.PNG

What a crazy year it has been! But in the spirit of making lemonade from lemons, Youth Beat’s students are rising to the challenge.

Our summer filmmaking camps were fully enrolled. And the students produce fantastic, highly creative work! 

Check out this short 4.5 minute compilation video of some of this work -- all produced while sheltering-in-place! Pretty sure you'll love it! 

And here are a few of the things students had to say about the summer:

  • It pushed me closer to my goal of being a director.

  • It made me more open to other people’s ideas and being more patient. 

  • I learned to be more outgoing to create friendships.

  • It helped me learn to be more organized and plan my days out better, which will improve my school year dramatically.

  • It allowed me to see how I can explore different fields.

  • This program helped me face my fears.

  • I have learned all sorts of things about angles and audio that I never knew before. I can definitely tell a difference in quality from my first video to my last.

  • I liked being in a 'family group.' It was nice to have that normalcy. A small group to see everyday.

  • Youth Beat brings a sense of joy in my life!

Special THANKS to the many folks out there who support Youth Beat’s students. Thank you for creating opportunity and connection during this crazy Coronavirus Summer. It's such an unsettling time for all of us. But inner-city families and kids are being hit especially hard. Thank you for stepping up and making it all just a bit better.

Sarah Givens